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Starting from Scratch to Establish an Investigator-Initiated Research Program

Translational research is often driven by independent physician-investigators who want to bring medical innovations to the bedside. These pioneers take on the design, implementation, and compliance needs of their clinical trials, often without any formal training on research methodology. Similarly, lack of formal regulatory training creates challenges for busy investigators balancing their clinical and research responsibilities, and can put institutions at an increased risk of non-compliance, loss of reputation, and liability. Establishing an investigator-initiated research program (IIRP) can address the knowledge gap, foster translational research, and provide a support model that improves the quality of research, enhances reproducibility of results, and ensures compliance while protecting the rights of and maximizing the potential benefits for research participants. The session will focus on the importance of an IIRP regardless of research portfolio size, will deliver scalable steps for success. The example of a bottom-up approach will provide a framework for discussion and opportunity to share lessons learned.

CEU: 1.00 ACRP


  • Pamela Cooper, Manager, Investigator Initiated Research Program, Hackensack Meridian Health Inc

  • Elli Gourna Paleoudis, PhD, Director, Investigator Initiated Research Program and Support Services, Hackensack Meridian Health

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