Mark Brandon-Grove

Head of Clinical Research Performance & Quality

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Mark Brandon-Grove is Head of Clinical Research Performance and Quality, leading the Joint Clinical Research & Development Core Services team at The Royal Marsden cancer hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) in London, England. He is responsible for quality and regulatory compliance, governance and operations, business intelligence, and secretariat across the cancer research portfolio of over 900 active clinical research studies, in addition to central oversight of legal, finance and communications. Mark holds an MSc in Medicine, Health and Public Policy from King’s College London, and has worked in clinical research since 2006, building multi-sector experience across the NHS, higher education institutions, medical research charities and industry. Mark is passionate about equality and diversity, the hope and options that clinical research gives to patients and the public, and the importance of building a robust community of practice across professionals.


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