Kelly Cairns, MA BASc, APMR, CCRA, FACRP

Head, Quality Medicine

Boehringer Ingelheim Canada

Kelly Cairns, MA, B.A.Sc, APMR, CCRA, FACRP – Head, Quality Medicine at Boehringer Ingelheim Canada currently oversees quality management within the Canadian medical organization. She has been with BI for over 25 years and has held various positions: Leader of Clinical and Business Operations, Manager of Investigational Supplies, Senior Research Associate, Research Associate and Clinical Trial Administrator all with Boehringer. She has been actively involved with ACRP for over 20 years, has been a certified CRA since 2004 and earned her Fellowship with the Association of Clinical Research Professionals in 2018. She has been involved with ACRP’s Certification program through the Academy of Clinical Research Professionals and has both sat on and led the Academy Board of Trustees. She holds her Master’s Degree in Leadership Studies in addition to her Bachelor of Applied Science, both from the University of Guelph.


  • Cautionary Tales from the Front Lines of Clinical Trials