Kelly Willenberg, DBA, RN, CCRP, CHC, CHRC


Kelly Willenberg, LLC

Dr. Kelly Willenberg has owned Kelly Willenberg & Associates for fifteen years. As a registered nurse with 40 years of experience, her company works in clinical research and healthcare compliance. She serves as a faculty member, and serves on the Board of Directors for Healthcare Compliance Association/Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics. Kelly was appointed by the Governor to the Small Business Regulatory Review Committee for the State of South Carolina in 2019. She has been active on both the local and national level in advancing hands-free legislation since 2017 when her husband was tragically killed in a hit and run cycling accident. Kelly believes in making our healthcare community stronger. Working with Prisma Health’s Upstate and Midland Foundations, she established the Dale A Willenberg Congenital Heart Defect Endowment, funding Camp Heart to Heart; as well as the Norton Family Point of Care Ultrasound Program. Kelly is an accomplished author,


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